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Ticket Purchases

Thank you for your support in purchasing tickets to Temple B’nai Israel’s 75th Anniversary, Legacies in Bloom.

We ask for your help to plan an exciting and meaningful event for past, present, and future Temple B’nai Israel (TBI) members. By sharing your family information regarding the dates of your membership and specific life-cycle events, we can recognize families, and TBI connections throughout the event. Be assured, phone numbers and email addresses will not be shared.

Ticket Cost: $125 Per Person

Note: TBI members who wish to pay by check must be logged into the TBI website prior to submitting this form. Once logged in, you will have the option to bill to your account on the payment screen. Non-members who wish to pay by check - please email

Family Information:
Tickets: $125 Each
Let us know if you have any preference regarding where you sit or whom you sit with.

Attendee #1:

Attendee #2:

Attendee #3:

Attendee #4:

Attendee #5:

$125 Per Ticket
Dietary Restrictions
We will make an effort to accommodate dietary restrictions. If you have specific requirements, please call the Temple office at 727-531-5829.


Tue, October 8 2024 6 Tishrei 5785